How to Modify Service Parameters

How to Modify Service Parameters

This article covers how to modify service parameters in Service Intelligence. The following goes over how to access your service categories, what parameters you can modify for each service, which items are being flagged by the service and which items are being excluded.


Left click Locations Settings. 

Left click Service Categories. In the second header there will be a drop-down menu with a list of service categories to choose from. 

Select the service category you want to modify. This will open two sections, one in column 2 and one in column 3.  

Note: in the drop-down menu list, a gray icon next to a service category indicates that the service is not tracking. If the icon is blue, that means the service is tracking.

Column 3 displays items that are either included or excluded from the service. Column 2 displays the service category settings. Under Service Category Settings there are three subgroups, Service Settings, Part Settings, and Labor Settings.

Modifiable Settings

Under Service Settings, you may modify:


Display category, which determines whether this service is visible to your customers.

Display text, which is what your customers read.

Distance interval in miles, which determines how often the service is due to be performed based on distance.

Time interval in month, which determines how often the service is due to be performed based on time.

Show on Point of Sale?, which is whether this service appears on the Point in Sale report.

Show on Service Reminder emails, which is whether this service appears on service reminder emails.

Show on Postcard, which is whether this service appears on postcards.

Logo, which allows you to change the icon for the service.

Include Part Descriptions, which determines whether the part description is visible.

Display Order, which determines the service's rank.

Display Group, which allows you to flag a service as part of a group.


Under Part Settings, you may modify:


Use Parts?, which determines whether parts are tracked.

Use Minimum Quantity?, which determines whether the service is tracked according to a minimum quantity.

Use Minimum Charge?, which determines whether the service is tracked according to a minimum charge.


Under Labor Settings, you may modify:


Use Labor?, which determines whether labor is tracked.

Use Minimum Hours?, which determines whether the service is tracked according to a minimum number of hours.

Use Minimum Charge?, which determines whether the service is tracked according to a minimum charge.

Once you make your changes, they are saved automatically.


Left click Edit.

Left click Service Intervals. This will open a new window called Customize. You will see a list of service categories.

Left click the service category you want to modify. To the right of the list of services will be the parameters you can edit for the service category you clicked.

Once you have made your changes, click apply. Then, click OK.


Need more help?

You can always ask an expert at the Support Desk, give us a call on out support number (310) 984-3501 xt 4, or suggest a new feature or improvement by emailing us at


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