When a customer's vehicle has been at the shop at least two visits and the shop management systems has two correct date and odometer entries, SI calculates an estimated mileage by multiplying the daily mileage times the number of days elapsed since the last visit.
SI reported odometers are usually accurate, on occasions, it might be necessary to correct the calculated odomoter.
Inside of SI, click the POS Service Tracking bar, fourth from the bottom left.
In the top menu bar, click inside the 'Override Odometer' and enter the desired mileage.
Hit enter and the report will refresh with the new mileage and recalculated recommendations.
Modifications to an odometer are not saved inside of SI, if the report is reloaded it will refresh the odometer back to the estimated amount. To make permanant modifications to the odometer just add a correct odometed to the latest invoices for a vehicle and SI will start using that new Odometer from that date foward.