The ServiceIntelligence application or host machine suffers from system-wide slowdowns that affect the day to day usability of SI.
Sometimes the server machine housing SI has active anti-virus programs that actively scan SQL databases for changes, since these files are large and constantly changing, they can be actively added back into the scanning queue by some anti-virus applications.
- Navigate to your Anti-virus file exclusion tool. Since this is unique for each anti-virus program, consult your anti-virus application's resources for specific instructions as to where this is.
- Add "sqlbrowser.exe" to the exclusion list. It is most commonly found in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn"directory.
- Add "sqlserver.exe" to the exclusion list. It is most commonly found in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared" directory.
If you cannot find the browser and server executables, a simple windows search of the C drive should yield the file locations to navigate to.